Grassland Barleria – Barleria ovata

IMG_1328This Grassland Barleria is currently flowering in the veld behind our home. The area is a rocky, stoney grassland zone, running from the back of our house, south west to the small stream that borders HeatherTon. The beautiful splashes of cerise/pink/magenta contrast beautifully with the green veld at the moment. This hardy perennial grows to about 50cm in height in a sunny position, and sprouts from a woody rootstock base. Although, as mentioned in previous posts, we are in the midst of a serious drought (“2015 was the driest year on record and it shows no sign of abating. Those records date back to 1904” – SABC News 17 Jan 2016), we have had just enough rain to keep the veld green, but our stream which usually runs fairly strongly throughout the summer rainfall season has been reduced to a few stagnant pools. Baleria ovate is found in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga at altitudes between 500m – 1465m as well as in Swaziland. It has been listed as LC (List Concern) on the SANBI’s Red Data List.

IMG_1325The tubular flowers of the Barleria are about 30mm in diameter and have 4 stamens with a club shaped stigma. There is abundant nectar in these flowers which attract both bees and nectar loving birds. The 5 lobes are similar in shape and size. The funnel shaped corolla tube maybe ±25mm long. Flowers can be seen from January through to April in the summer rainfall region. Besides the corolla, the leaves, stems and calyx are all covered in golden hairs. The leaves are opposite and obovate (elliptical or ovate), the margins are entire and the leaf has a very short leaf stalk (2mm max).

IMG_1382The dry seed capsules are about 8.5 mm long and contain 4 seeds each. The capsules split or explode on hot, sunny days, spreading the seeds around the parent plant. Although it can be propagated as a garden plant, either from seed or cuttings, it requires a humus-rich soil in a sunny position. It may need to be cut back regularly, as in the wild it is browsed on by various animals and is also “pruned” by veld fires. This prevents it from becoming straggly.

BarleriaFairyA little whimsy: Heather Catspider  (From the Fairy name generator using the name: Grassland Barleria)

She watches over small animals. She lives close to ancient monuments and stone circles. She can only be seen when the dry seed cases pop. She wears pale blue like the sky and has multicoloured wings like a butterfly.